Property Details

Residential Development Land
Guide Price £4,000,000

Property Name
Land at Bodicote, Oxon
46 Units
Oxford Road, Bodicote, Oxfordshire OX15 4BN
Sold in February 2021

A rare and unique residential development opportunity in the sought-after village of Bodicote, Oxfordshire. The village provides a shop, public house,
playing fields, a day nursery and schooling. More extensive facilities are
available in the town of Banbury. The major centers of Oxford and Warwick (each 23 miles) are within easy travelling distance. Communications are excellent with M40 motorway junctions 10 and 11 being in close proximity. Banbury Railway station is approximately 2.8 miles distant, putting London within easy commuting distance.

The Property comprises a grass paddock and a range of farm buildings currently utilised as a farm shop. The property extends in all to about 5.42 acres (2.19 hectares). It is bordered by mature belts of hedgerows and post and rail fencing. Within the grass paddock are mature trees giving a parkland setting. Vehicular access can be taken form the slip road off the A4260 Oxford Road.

Outline planning permission was granted on appeal by Cherwell District Council, North Oxfordshire on 30th October, 2019 (Appeal ref: APP/C3105/W/19/3222428) for the demolition of existing buildings and the construction for up to 46 dwellings. Wit an Outline planning consent the chosen buyer will have the ability of designing large exclusive units in a unique landscape. Further details are available in an online data room from the Selling Agents.

The buyer will purchase the land subject to a Section 106 Agreement and any bids will need to take into full account the obligations set out within the Agreement.

Detailed information is available in an online Data Room.
• Planning Application, Appeal Decision and Approved Plans
• Section 106 Agreement
• Planning Design and Access Statement
• Transport Assessment
• Flood Risk and Drainage Management
• Ecology Report
• Phase I & II Ground Investigation Reports
Details of the online data room is available from the Selling Agents. Please contact Anthony Wright on 01666 318 992 or for further information.

Prospective buyers are invited so submit offers to AJW Land & Development Ltd by 12 Noon on Wednesday 2nd December, 2020. Written offers should be submitted in a sealed envelope and sent to AJW Land & Development Ltd, Old Barn, Rodbourne Rail Farm, Rodbourne, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0ES and titled “For the attention of Mr. A.J. Wright – Land at Bodicote”. Emailed offers should be sent to

To avoid any delay, and subject to the offers received, the buyer and their
solicitor will be invited either to attend a meeting at AJW Land & Development Ltd.’s office (Covid-19 regulation permitting) or virtually during the week
commencing 7th December, 2020 (date and time to be agreed), to finalise terms and to commence the legal process.

Mains services are understood to be located adjacent to the site with the
connections in principle agreed. Prospective purchasers are required to seek confirmation from the various utility companies that mains services are readily available.

The property is sold subject to any existing rights of way, drainage, water
and other rights, easements and incidents of tenure affecting the sale and all easements and wayleaves in connection with all electric or telephone wires, pipes, cables, stays etc. as at present erected on or passing over the property and subject to all existing and all pending agreement if any affecting the same.

The property is freehold. Completion will take place following vacant
possession. Timescales are to be agreed with the successful buyer.

Cherwell District Council, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury OX15 4AA.
Tel: 01295 227006.

VAT will be charged on the sale price of the property

The property has been promoted by Hollins Strategic Land, Suite 4, 1 King St, Manchester M2 6AW. Tel: 0161 300 6509.

JMW Solicitors, Byrom Place, 1 Byrom Street, Manchester M3 3HG. Tel: 0161 828 1837.
FAO: Mr. Paul Burton.

By appointment through the Selling Agent (01666 318 992).

From Oxford M40 head in a northerly direction. Take junction exit 10 onto the A43. At the Cherwell Roundabout head straight over. At the second roundabout take the first left onto the B4100 and continue for approximately 8 miles. Shortly after passing Banbury Golf Club bear right onto the A4260 Oxford Road. Continue for a further 2 miles towards Banbury. The property is on the left-hand side.

From Warwick M40 head in a southerly direction. Take junction exit 11 onto the A422. Immediately after take the second exit at the second roundabout. At the third roundabout take the first exit heading in a southerly direction towards Banbury. After passing Horton General Hospital take a right onto the A4260 Oxford Road. Continue for a further mile and the property is on the right-hand side opposite the fuel station.

Sales Brochure