Property Details

Residential Development Land
Guide Price £32,000,000

Property Name
Land at Grove, Wantage
400 Units

Grove is a large well-connected village within South Oxfordshire immediately North of the market town of Wantage. The village provides shops, 2 primary schools, public houses, a library, a range of health services and a regular bus service. more extensive facilities are available in Wantage. The major centre of Oxford (14.4 miles) is within easy travelling distance. Communications are excellent with road links to the A34 via the A417 which in turn leads to the M40 motorway Junction 8 in the North and the M4 Junction 13 to the South. Didcot Is situated to the East with a mainline train station, putting London (Paddington) at just over 45 minutes’ train journey. There are proposals currently being considered for a new railway station at Grove with land safeguarded in the Local Plan for this purpose which would significantly improve transport linkages.

The property comprises pastureland and farm buildings. The planning permission area extends in all to about 63.31 acres (25.62 hectares). It is bordered by mature belts of hedgerows, post and rail fencing and the village of Grove. Access can be taken from the A338 through the existing Bellway scheme or Denchworth Road.

Outline planning permission was granted by Vale White Horse District (application reference number P16/V0981/O) for the construction of up to 400 dwellings, extension to Grove CE primary school, associated landscaping and infrastructure. Further details are available in the information pack.

The buyer will take the land subject to a S.106 Agreement and any bid will need to take into full account the obligations set out within that agreement. It is expected that all offers received should set out the buyers calculation of the section 106 payments based upon their mix and confirm that they have been fully accounted for in the offer.

For the avoidance of doubt, the S.106 Agreement commits to buyer to provide a minimum of 20% affordable houses with a split in tenure mix of 50% Affordable Rented Housing and 50% Shared Ownership.

Prospective buyers are invited to submit offers to AJW Land & Development Ltd by 12 Noon on Friday 30th April, 2021. Written offers should be submitted in a sealed envelope and sent to AJW Land & Development Ltd, Old Barn, Rodbourne Rail Farm, Rodbourne, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0ES and titled “For the attention of Mr. A.J. Wright – Land at Grove”. Emailed offers should be sent to

To avoid any delay, the preferred buyer and their solicitor will be invited either to attend a meeting at AJW Land & Development Ltd.’s office (Covid-19 regulation permitting) or virtually during the week commencing 3rd May 2021 (date and time to be agreed), to finalise terms and to commence the legal process.

Mains services are understood to be located adjacent to the site with the connections in principle agreed. Prospective buyers are required to seek confirmation from the various utility companies that mains services are readily available. Further information is available in the Information Pack.

The property is sold subject to any existing rights of way, drainage, water and other rights, easements and incidents of tenure affecting the sale and all easements and wayleaves in connection with all electric or telephone wires, pipes, cables, stays etc. as at present erected on or passing over the property and subject to all existing and all pending agreement if any affecting the same.

The property is freehold. Completion will take place following vacant possession. Timescales are to be agreed with the successful buyer.

Vale White Horse District Council, 135 Eastern Ave, Park Dr, Milton, Abingdon OX14 4SB. Tel: 01235 422422.

VAT will be charged on the sale price of the property.

The property has been promoted by the following companies:

Gleeson Strategic Land Ltd, Sentinel House, Harvest Crescent, Ansells Business Park, Fleet, Hants GU51 TUZ. Tel: 01252 360300. Website:

L & Q Estates Ltd, Gallagher House, Gallagher Way, Heathcote, Warwick CV34 6AF. Tel: 01926 339339. Website:

Gowling WLG Solicitors, Two Snowhill, Birmingham B4 6WR. Tel: 0121 393 2370. For the attention of Mr. Charles Bayne-Jardine

At any reasonable time with a copy of these sale particulars.

Detailed information is available in an information pack, to include:

  • Planning Application, Decision Notice and Approved Plans
  • Section 106 Agreement
  • Planning Design and Access Statement
  • Ecology Reports
  • Consents to works impacting on the Byway Open to All Traffic
  • Technical information on the Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT)
  • Phase II Factual Ground Investigation Report
  • Supporting technical information

A Ground Investigation Contract has been let and is underway. The scope of works for these investigations are included in the Information Pack. A Factual Report is anticipated to be available by week commencing 12th April, 2021 (subject to weather conditions) and will, on receipt be made available to all potential buyers who have registered an interest in the site.

Due to the nature of much of the technical work, letters of reliance shall only be provided for the Factual Ground Investigation Report and Topographical Surveys (full details of which are included in the Information Pack).

As part of the sale, the chosen buyer will be required to adhere to certain conditions and terms (to be agreed), to include:

  • Access to the retained properties and buildings
  • Demolition of farm buildings that overlap the planning permission boundary
  • Erection of a boundary fence around the retained properties and buildings
  • Overage on public open space land
  • Northern and western boundaries of the consented area

On 22nd April, 2020 the Planning Inspectorate consented three applications detailing works impacting the Cow Lane BOAT, ensuring that the access from Denchworth Road and the spine road crossing Cow Lane are deliverable. The applications are as follows:

  • Ref: COM3244133 – the replacement land provided to provide for the exchange of common land
  • Ref: COM3244137 – the proposals at the Denchworth Road access
  • Ref: COM3244136 – the proposals at the Cow Lane crossing

Sales Brochure