Property Details
Guide Price £37,000,000
Residential Development Land
A rare and unique residential development opportunity in the sought-after town of Melksham, Wiltshire. The historic market town has a variety of shopping including supermarkets, leisure and educational facilities. More extensive facilities are available in the nearby town of Chippenham and the city of Bath. Trains run from Melksham station to Swindon, Southampton, Frome and Cheltenham giving easy commuting to London Paddington.
The Property is situated on the eastern edge of Melksham. The consented area comprises level farmland, a range of farm buildings and structures extending in all to about 80.63 acres (32.63 hectares). The land is bounded mainly by stockproof hedges and fencing. There are two public footpaths crossing the property. Current vehicular access can be taken from the A3102 Sandridge Common Road.
The property has a resolution to grant Outline Planning Permission subject to the signing of a S.106 Agreement (reference PL/2023/11188) by Wiltshire Council for the demolition of agricultural buildings and development of up to 500 dwellings; up to 5,000 square metres of employment (class E(g)(i)) & class E(g)(ii)); land for primary school (class F1); land for mixed-use hub (class E / class F); open space; provision of access infrastructure from Sandridge Common (A3102); and provision of all associated infrastructure necessary to facilitate the development of the site. Biodiversity Net Gain is provided within the planning permission area.
Further details are available in an online data room from the Selling Agent.
The buyer will purchase the land subject to a Section 106 Agreement and any bids will need to take into full account the obligations set out within the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Section 106 Agreement commits the buyer to providing a minimum of 40% (200 units) affordable house split between 25% First Homes 60% Affordable Rented Units and 15% Shared Ownership Units. The mix is indicative and will be confirmed at a Reserved Matters Application.
The buyer will be responsible for any Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charged. Wiltshire Council have confirmed that the current CIL liability charged based on the chargeable floor area of the approved residential development would be £55 per square meter index linked.
Detailed information is available in an online Data Room, to include:
• Planning Application and Approved Plans
• Draft Section 106 Agreement
• Technical reports and surveys
• Ground Investigation Report
• Utility searches and quotes
• A list of warranties available for external consultants
• Title and Land Registry details
• Sale Plan
Access to the online data room is available via the Selling Agents.

The farm buildings and structures comprise of covered yards, silage pits, concrete yard areas and a sunken soil bunded slurry pit. A demolition plan of the farm buildings and structures is available in the data room.
The slurry pit will be emptied and spread on the property prior to Completion.
The buildings within the Sale Plan will be cleared of any unconsumed hay, straw and silage. The Seller will dismantle the building edged blue on the Sale Plan. The Seller will empty the slurry pit by spreading on the field parcels prior to Completion.
Prospective buyers are invited to submit offers to AJW Land & Development Ltd by 12 Noon on Thursday 20th March, 2025. Written offers should be submitted in a sealed envelope and sent to AJW Land & Development Ltd, Old Barn, Rodbourne Rail Farm, Rodbourne, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0ES and titled “For the attention of Mr. A.J. Wright – Blackmore Farm, Melksham”. Emailed offers should be sent to: anthony@ajwlanddevelopment.co.uk. All offerors should complete the bid pro forma sheet. This can be found in the data room. This will ask for a breakdown of all assumptions made and any abnormal costs that have been allowed for.
If your offer is of interest, you and your technical team will be invited to attend a meeting at AJW Land & Development Ltd.’s office on Tuesday 25th March or Wednesday 26th March (times to be agreed), to discuss your proposal.
Mains services are understood to be available nearby. Prospective purchasers are required to seek confirmation from the various utility companies that mains services are readily available. Utility reports and quotations are available in the online data room.
The property is sold subject to any existing rights of way, drainage, water and other rights, easements and incidents of tenure affecting the sale and all easements and wayleaves in connection with all electric or telephone wires, pipes, cables, stays etc. as at present erected on or passing over the property and subject to all existing and all pending agreement if any affecting the same.
VAT will be charged on the sale price of the property.
The purchaser will be expected to give a legal cost undertaking of up to £25,000 plus VAT in the event they withdraw from the transaction following agreement of the Heads of Terms and issuing of draft documentation.
The property is freehold with vacant possession on Completion.
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As part of the sale, the chosen buyer will be required to adhere to certain conditions and terms (to be agreed), to include:
• The Buyer will erect certain boundaries against the retained land around the farm buildings and bungalow.
• The Buyer will redirect the existing foul water pipe to the exiting outflow.
• The Seller will retain two agricultural rights of way over the Property to their retained farmland.
• An Overage of 50% of the price paid per plot for a term of 20 years for residential development planning permission on land currently identified as employment, community uses and public open space.
• Full vehicular rights and services will be reserved to adjoining land for future connections by way of an Easement and/or Option Agreement.
The list above is not exhaustive and further details on the conditions of sale are available in the data room.
Wiltshire Council, Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1ER. Tel: 0300 4560 1000.
Gleeson Land Ltd, 2530 Aztec West, Ground Floor, Aztec West, Almondsbury, BS32 4AW. Website: www.gleesonland.co.uk
Osborne Clarke LLP, Halo, Counterslip, Bristol, BS1 6AJ. Tel: 01452 880187. For the attention of Mr. Colin Stratton.
Wansbroughs Solicitors, Northgate House, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1JX. Tel: 01380 733300. For the attention of Mr. Neil Patterson.
Strictly by appointment through the Selling Agent (01666 318 992). When visiting the property please avoid blocking the farm buildings and the driveway to the bungalow. The property is a working livestock farm. Interested parties are to keep gates closed at all times and are responsible for their own safety.
Should you have any queries, wish to make an inspection, or request login details to the data room please contact.
Anthony Wright MRICS FAAV AJW Land & Development Ltd Tel: 07552044742 anthony@ajwlanddevelopment.co.uk
For planning or technical queries, please contact: Thomas Harris – Gleeson Land Tel: 07973796489 thomas.harris@mjgleeson.com